Friday, January 05, 2007


I've spent most of this uncomfortably hot Friday sitting at my computer, and taking notes on daily life in the 1940s, especially the daily lives of gay men in that era.

While my main focus is Melbourne in the winter of 1942 (the period in which I've decided to set my new novel) I have been taking the odd detour into other periods and places as I browse the web. Not surprisingly, I've also occasionally been distracted by beefcake and pin-ups as the day progressed. It's rather amusing, and touching, to consider that some of these images were once considered titillating, even controversial. Ah the joys of earlier, more innocent days...

Tortured and brooding movie star Montgomery Clift

The best in B-movie beefcake: Guy Madison

Just good friends: Guy Madison comforts Robert Mitchum
in Till the End of Time (1946)

Good clean fun!

More good clean fun!

Healthy body, healthy mind!


Lumpen said...

Hey Richard. Realised we don't have your email or number! Still up for dinner at ours? Leigh & Pete

Anonymous said...

LOL, i think you've stumbled on Drunk, Bored Horny guys all with camera's 1942 style!!

The Tab and Roddy pic is a little wierd. Tab's cooking breakfast and Rod has a cake?!?!

I dont know about you but these photo's are still arousing!

richardwatts said...

Lumpen - yes, most definitely - I'll drop you an email via your blog post haste.

D.U.P. - are you suggesting that perhaps I make beefcake a semi-regular feature of Man About Town? Hmm, I could possibly be persuaded... ;-)

Anonymous said...

I agree with D.U.P., great images of another era. More obviously posed than modern Candy photos. Definitely arousing.

buff said...

Yes 1942 is a fitting setting. Your novel will be very interesting reading, indeed.

Were there any hairy muscle guys? Just wondering.

Big hairy muscle hugs of thanks.

Enjoy the great summer days.